Avoid the Crisis | Tips
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[ TIPS ]



#1 Drink bottled water rather than tap water.
#2 Boil large quantities of water in a stock pot for washing.
#3 Purchase a mini geyser for heating water.
#4 Use hand sanitiser with tea tree oil for antibacterial properties.
#5 Get a fire extinguisher for emergencies.
#6 Use dry shampoo/baking soda/baby powder for greasy hair.
#7 Stock up on extra underwear and cheap sleep shirts.
#8 Reuse clothing multiple times before washing.
#9 Clean with microfiber clothes or rags, as sponges quickly become unsanitary.
#10 Wear breathable fabrics like cotton.
#11 Know where your main water supply tap is, and how to shut it off.
#12 Insulate water pipes and check for leaks.
#13 Install a grey water system and route the bath, basin and sink outlets into it.
#14 Install rainwater tanks to capture as much of the rainwater as possible.
#15 Fit taps with aerators or restrictors to reduce flow.
#16 Use washing machine only when fully loaded.
#17 Check washing machine for eco mode/water saving cycles.
#18 Catch the water from the washing machine to flush toilets.
#19 Cut back on washing your linen and towels frequently.
#20 Capture the runoff from your washing machine for re-use.



#1 If it’s yellow let it mellow… Flush only when necessary.
#2 Always use grey water to flush.
#3 Encourage houseguests to only flush when necessary.
#4 Put buckets of grey water in your bathroom for flushing.
#5 Throw toilet paper away in a separate lined bin to extend time between flushes.
#6 Fill toilet cistern with water rather than pouring into toilet.
#7 Put a half a brick or a bottle filled with water in your cistern.
#8 Make use of an in-cistern block to keep toilets clean and germ-free.
#9 Purchase Albex No Flush or use baking powder to remove odours.
#10 Stock up on wet wipes to reduce showering.
#11 If it’s yellow let it mellow… Flush only when necessary.
#12 Use diluted apple cider vinegar to deodorise your armpits.
#13 Turn the water on and off again to lather up and rinse.
#14 Only shower every other day or even twice a week.
#15 On non-shower days, wash with water collected in hand-basin.
#16 Capture shower water in buckets to flush toilets.
#17 Install a flow-reducing shower head.
#18 Share a shower with your partner.
#19 Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth or shave.
#20 Make use of a garden pressure sprayer or camp shower.



#1 Have some easy freezer meals on hand.
#2 Use paper crockery and disposable, biodegradable cutlery.
#3 Capture the first spate of cold water that runs out the hot water tap for re-use.
#4 Eat straight from the braai! No pots or pans to wash.
#5 Line plates with cling wrap and peel off for clean plates.
#6 Wipe plates and pots with paper to remove all excess food.
#7 Stack up your dishes and wash up only once a day.
#8 Use dishwater to flush toilets.
#9 Drain and re-use your pasta cooking liquid.



#1 Pour leftover ice cubes from your drinks on your plants.
#2 Mulch your plants to retain moisture, reduce evaporation and protect them from the heat.
#3 Install a well-point or borehole – remember to register!
#4 Plant water-friendly plants. Ask your nursery for advice.
#5 Consider replacing your lawn with gravel, stones or indigenous plants.
#6 Install a pool cover to reduce evaporation.